
MashDirectionalLight — An light with a direction


struct              MashDirectionalLightClass;
ClutterActor *      mash_directional_light_new          (void);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

MashDirectionalLight implements ClutterScriptable, ClutterAnimatable and AtkImplementorIface.


MashDirectionalLight is the simplest light type implemented in Mash. It is intended to model a light that has a direction but it is infinitely far away. This means that the light will always reach the model regardless of its position. The light does however have a direction so the light intensity will be altered depending on the orientation of the vertex. Directional lights are useful for example to model the light emitted from the sun in an outdoor scene.

The actor position of a MashDirectionalLight is ignored. The direction of the light is always along the positive y axis (which is towards the bottom of the stage by default in Clutter). However the direction of the light is affected by the actor's transformation so it can be modified using the rotation properties.



typedef struct _MashDirectionalLight MashDirectionalLight;

The MashDirectionalLight structure contains only private data.

struct MashDirectionalLightClass

struct MashDirectionalLightClass {

mash_directional_light_new ()

ClutterActor *      mash_directional_light_new          (void);

Constructs a new directional light actor.

Returns :

the new light.