
Mash is a small library for using real 3D models within a Clutter scene. Models can be exported from Blender or other 3D modelling software as PLY files and then used as actors. It also supports a lighting model with animatable lights.

Mash lights screenshot


The current release is 0.2.0. Get the tarball here.

Development is done in a git repository here:

git clone git://

Ubuntu package

There is an Ubuntu package for Mash but it is no longer up-to-date. It can be installed by typing the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bpeeluk/mash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libmash-0.1-{0,dev,doc} gir1.0-mash-0.1


The API reference for the latest stable release is available here.